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Hiking tour through the Buckelwiesen to Mittenwald

Hiking tour

Start: Wallgau ; Mittenwalder Straße - Destination: Mittenwald ; Dammkarstraße

This route on Hochstraße through the Buckelwiesen"hummock meadows" between Krün and Mittenwald features a variety of landscapes. Forests, pastures and lakes, as well as the gentle hummocks of the Buckelwieseninvite everyone, families included, to hike and enjoy the unique natural areas...

Tour dates

  • Duration3:02 h
  • Distance11.1 km
  • Difficultyeasy
  • Altitude177 m
  • Lowest point868 m
  • Highest point1003 m

Tour highlights

    • Lovely view of the mountain panorama
    • Inviting rest benches for a breather
    • Maria Rast chapel in the Buckelwiesen "hummock meadows"

Tour description

The starting point of the hike is at the town hall in Wallgau, accessible via the bus stop of the same name. From the town hall, follow the signs to Haus des Gastes. Once there, continue over the Finzbrücke bridge, past the Krüner district of Bärnbichl, through the underpass to the Maria Rast chapel. From here, follow the road along the humpback meadows to the Goas Alm, which offers a 360° panoramic view of Mittenwald that is well worth seeing. Past the Schmalensee lake, the trail continues via the Gröbl-Alm to the historic town center of Mittenwald.

Height profile