Reviews%reviews Reviews %badgeShow reviewsClose reviews"Excellent accommodation. Located near shopping areas with easy access to parking."Source: TrustYouHighlights out of 1175 reviewsLocation4.8 / 5"Terrific location."Breakfast4.8 / 5"Excellent breakfast."Service4.7 / 5"World class service."Food4.5 / 5"Food is delicious."Bar3.8 / 5"Good bar."Cleanliness3.1 / 5"Average cleanliness."Room3.1 / 5"Rooms are ok."Amenities2.1 / 5"Bad amenities."Comfort1.8 / 5"Not very comfortable."WiFi1.2 / 5"Disappointing internet connection."Good to knowGreat menuGood restaurant serviceFriendly atmosphereProfessional serviceClose reviews
AmenitiesEc-Cash/MaestroW-Lanbreakfast roomcar parking lotcash paymentcentral locationcommon roomconference/seminarShow all amenitiescotcovered parking for carscovered parking for motorcyclescredit cards acceptedfamily friendlygaragegroupsguest refrigeratorhighchairparking space for bicyclespets may be allowed upon requestpets welcomerestaurantsafesaunasaunaski storeroomClose amenities
Host contactTraditionsgasthaus AlpenroseFamilie Tina und Josef Zunterer Obermarkt 1 82481 Mittenwald +49 8823 92 700 Calle-mailWebRoute
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