The vacation resorts
of the Alpenwelt Karwendel can be easily reached with the DB-Oberbayernbus and the Deutsche Bahn. The Werdenfelsbahn runs between Munich Central Station and the stations in Mittenwald and Klais every hour during the day. The best connections for buses
in the direction of Krün and Wallgau are from Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
Offers of the DB
For your journey by train you have many possibilities, from the cheap Regio-Ticket to the car train.
Bavaria ticket
is valid on all local trains of all railroad companies in Bavaria as well as all suburban trains, underground and tramways. In addition, in almost all Bavarian public buses, including the Karwendel Alpine World hiking bus (line 4608 Wallgau - Krün - Klais - Kranzbach/Elmau- Mittenwald).
Car train
by operators such as ÖBB or Urlaubs-Express for selected routes such as Hamburg-Munich or Düsseldorf-Innsbruck
After your arrival by train, your mobility at your vacation destination is guaranteed by the extensive bus service of Alpenwelt Karwendel. With the AlpenweltCard
, for example, you can use the public bus services of the Oberbayernbus (RVO) free of charge.
Over 650 hosts for perfect mountain moments in Mittenwald, Krün or Wallgau! Find your accommodation in “Alpenwelt Karwendel – Holiday” where Bavaria is its most beautiful.